Most Women Practice Better Oral Hygiene

Recently, the Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmaceutical Sciences conducted a study on eight hundred participants. These participants were asked a series of questions on their oral habits, and then underwent an examination of their oral health. The results were as follows:

  • Women are about 26% more likely to floss.
  • Women are about twice as likely to schedule their regular dental appointments.
  • Women are about twice as likely to take notice if someone is missing one of their teeth.
  • 44% of women were aware that periodontal visits could help their overall bodily health, as opposed to only 33% of men.
  • About 74% of women said that they would be embarrassed to have a missing tooth, as opposed to 57% of men.

Something that is apparent here is that women have a tendency to take better care of their teeth. Should you be falling short in this regard, remember to make an appointment with our South Seattle dentist to get the care that you need and deserve.