Crown Problems

If you have a crown on your tooth, you may periodically run into certain problems. Perhaps your crown hasn’t been properly fitted to your natural tooth structure, or maybe you have suffered some degree of decay or similar wear and tear that has compromised the integrity of your fixture. Fortunately, most problems with crowns are fairly easy to remedy.

One of the more common problems is sensitivity on the crowned tooth. You may only need to brush with a toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth. If your pain is limited to when you bite down, the problem may be that your crown is fitted too high up, and you should alert your dentist.

If your crown comes loose or falls off, you will want to bring it to your dentist as soon as possible. The delicate insides of your tooth are now fully exposed, inviting serious decay. If you cannot get to your dentist in short order, clean off your tooth and the crown and replace it with temporary tooth cement.