Is Your Tea Giving You Throat Cancer?

You’ve probably read a lot about the benefits of drinking tea. Indeed, most types of tea boast a long list of valuable health benefits. Knowing this, it will probably come as a surprise that you may also be increasing your risks of throat cancer with your daily tea time.

This information is coming to us from a study on esophageal cancer patients. It was found that those who claimed to regularly drink more than a liter of hot tea were more likely to suffer from the disease. The culprit appears to be the high temperature of the drink, which harms the delicate tissues of your throat and puts you at risk of developing malignant growths.

If you like drinking tea, there’s no reason that you can’t enjoy its benefits and simultaneously avoiding an increased cancer risk. All you need to do is watch the temperature of what you drink. Tea of above sixty five degrees is responsible for giving you an substantially higher risk, and tea over seventy degrees is even worse. To get your tea into the safe level, allow it to sit for at least four minutes after the water is done boiling. Meanwhile, be sure to have your regular checkups with 6th Avenue Dentistry in the South Seattle district to watch out for harmful developments in your mouth and throat.